세부 프로그램

  • Day 1 : 4/11(목)
  • Day 2 : 4/12(금)
  • Day 3 : 4/13(토)
시간 Room A (엑스포홀) 연자/좌장
12:00-13:00 Registration
13:00-14:30 교육세션 Ⅰ. FACS 실제와 응용 이상명(충북대)
13:00-13:45 면역학 입문자를 위한 유세포 분석 기초 교육 홍소희 (이화여대)
13:45-14:30 Flowjo를 이용한 데이터 분석 신재훈 (연세대)
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:30 교육세션 Ⅱ. Multiomics 실제와 응용 김나영 (서울아산병원)
홍승희 (연세대)
15:00-15:45 면역학 입문자를 위한 멀티오믹스 소개 임재철 (서울대)
15:45-16:30 Single-Cell RNAseq and GeoMx: Unlocking Disease Pathogenesis 진선필 (서울대)
16:40-18:00 Poster Session
시간 Room B (그랜드홀) 연자/좌장
13:00-14:30 산하연구회 Ⅰ. 생식면역연구회 박종환 (전남대)
13:00-13:30 The Prolonged Effects of Maternal Immune Activation
During Pregnancy in Mouse Offspring
김은하 (고려대)
13:30-14:00 Endometriosis and Inflammation 한애라 (차의과대)
14:00-14:30 The role of cellular immune tests in women
with reproductive failure
이성기 (건양대)
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:40 산하연구회 Ⅱ. 골수면역세포연구회 현영민 (연세대)
배외식 (성균관대)
15:00-15:25 Mechanisms of Mast Cell-Induced Anaphylactic Shock 최해웅 (고려대)
15:25-15:50 Eosinophil and neutrophil: Roles in adaptive immune responses 김은수 (부산대)
15:50-16:15 Neutrophils Fuel Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Pathogenesis though Lipid Delivery 홍장원 (경북대)
16:15-16:40 Circadian rhythm-dependent regulation of noncanonical inflammasome-mediated pyroptosis 유제욱 (연세대)
16:40-18:00 Poster Session
시간 Room A (엑스포홀) 연자/좌장
09:00-10:40 Block Symposium Ⅰ. Adaptive Immunity 최제민 (한양대)
곽기혁 (연세대)
09:00-09:25 Mitochondrial role in Foxp3low inflammatory regulatory T cells 정두현 (서울대)
09:25-09:50 How Bach2 controls peripheral B cell fates 윤지희 (한양대)
09:50:10:15 Foxp3 orchestrates reorganization of chromatin architecture to establish regulatory T cell identity 이동성 (서울시립대)
10:15-10:40 Epstein-Barr virus immunity and a new cytotoxic CD4+ T-cell approach for B-cell malignancies 최일규 (DGIST)
10:40-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:30 KAI-Biotech Session 이승우 (POSTECH)
11:15-11:35 Immunocytokine을 활용한 항암 신약개발 전략 장명호 (지아이이노베이션)
11:35-11:55 From DAMPs to Inflammasome inhibitors 성승용 (샤페론)
11:55-12:15 과학을 사업으로, 핵심은 파트너쉽 양세환 (네오이뮨텍)
12:15-12:30 Q&A
12:30-13:00 Luncheon Symposium: 모더나 Luncheon session 노지윤 (고려대)
12:30-13:00 mRNA vaccines - a new era in vaccinology Chris Clarke (Moderna APAC)
13:00-14:30 Lunch Time
14:30-16:10 Block Symposium Ⅱ. Innate Immunity
[Infection Control Convergence Medical Research Center] *
임종석 (숙명여대)
박성호 (UNIST)
14:30-14:55 Liver-resident cDC1/TRM immune axis regulates acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury 배용수 (성균관대)
14:55-15:20 Involvement of Epithelial Cells in Inflammation as a Component of the Innate Immune System 이정석 (KAIST)
15:20-15:45 Discovery of Innate Immune Sensors in Viral Infections 이상준 (UNIST)
15:45-16:10 Inhibition of mtDNA release as a therapeutic strategy for autoimmune disease 김정한 (가톨릭대)
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 KAI 50주년 기념 출판 보고회 및 비전/미션 선포식
16:30 출판 보고회 및 비전/미션 선포식 안내 사회: 김동현 (총무위원장)
16:35-16:40 개회사 이상일 (회장)
16:40-16:45 축사 정헌택 (50주년 기념 위원장)
16:45-17:00 KAI 50주년 기념 강연 Ⅰ. 대한면역학회 역사 김호연 (1999-2000년 회장)
17:00-17:15 KAI 50주년 기념 강연 Ⅱ. Immune Network 역사 이종길 (편집위원장, 2011년 회장)
17:15-17:25 50주년 기념사 편찬 경과 보고 김동현 (총무위원장)
17:25-17:35 50주년 영상 상영
17:35-17:45 공연
17:45-17:55 비전 선포 퍼포먼스
18:00 클로징
시간 Room B (그랜드홀) 연자/좌장
09:00-10:40 산하연구회 세션 Ⅲ. 점막면역연구회 권미나 (울산대)
09:00-09:10 점막면역연구회 소개
09:10-09:40 The Protective Role of ERdj5 Against Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Goblet Cell Apoptosis in Inflammatory Conditions. 고현정 (강원대)
09:40-10:10 Understanding the host-microbiota interaction using an EAE animal model 이윤경 (순천향대)
10:10-10:40 The role of IgA in shaping host-microbial symbiosis 박주홍 (서울대)
10:40-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:30 기초-임상 공동학술상 및 웅비메디텍 차세대연구자상 시상 및 수상강연 이준용 (연세대)
임세진 (성균관대)
10:55-11:05 기초-임상 공동학술상 및 웅비메디텍 차세대연구자상 시상식
11:05-11:30 기초-임상 공동학술상 강연: Mitochondrial metabolism modulation as a therapeutic strategy in lupus 송정식 (연세대)
11:30-11:45 [OP-001] The developmental stage–specific acquisition of basophil function is governed by the transcription factor NFIL3/E4BP4 박지연 (KAIST)
11:45-12:00 [OP-002] Role of CD244 in macrophage maturation and its implications in tumor immunotherapy 김정수 (고려대)
12:00-12:15 [OP-003] Skin microbe-dependent TSLP-ILC2 priming axis in early life is co-opted in allergic inflammation 차지민 (연세대)
12:15-12:30 [OP-004] Serum amyloid A expression in liver promotes synovial macrophage activation and chronic arthritis via NFAT5 김유미 (가톨릭대)
12:30-13:00 Luncheon Symposium: 모더나 Luncheon session (Room A)
13:00-14:30 Lunch Time
14:30-16:10 산하연구회 세션 Ⅳ. 항암면역연구회 신의철 (KAIST)
박수형 (KAIST)
14:30-14:55 NK Immunity: Basics of Cell-to-Cell interaction
and beyond
김태돈 (KRIBB)
14:55-15:20 TET enzyme and Cancer Immunotherapy 서형석 (서울대)
15:20-15:45 Predictive Biomarkers in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors from a T Cell Perspective 권민석 (아주대)
15:45-16:10 Characteristics and anatomic location of PD-1+TCF1+ stem-like CD8 T cells in chronic viral infection and cancer 임세진 (성균관대)
시간 Room A (엑스포홀) 연자/좌장
08:50-10:10 New Faculty Session Ⅰ. Basic
08:50-09:10 Harnessing non-invasive immune cell characterization in lung cancer patients. 류희주 (성균관대)
09:10-09:30 Cytokine (IL-2)-independent role of IL2RA (CD25) in
B-cell homeostasis
이재웅 (고려대)
09:30-09:50 Understanding Interactions of
Microbe-Epithelia-Immune System
장경구 (연세대)
09:50-10:10 Discovery of Innate immune modulator in the PANoptosis and Cytokine strorm 한주희 (우석대)
10:10-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-12:00 New Faculty Session Ⅱ. Clinic & Biotech
10:40-11:00 Immunosurveillance of the Central Nervous System by Dural Macrophages 김영찬 (서울대)
11:00-11:20 Application of single cell RNA sequencing in the clinical diseases 이상진 (경북대)
11:20-11:40 Epigenetic scars in immune cells
during inflammatory diseases'
고준영 (Genome Insight)
11:40-12:00 CD4 cytotoxic T cells promote antitumor immunity in multiple myeloma 조현수 (연세대)
12:00-13:00 Awards & Closing Ceremony
시간 Room B (그랜드홀) 연자/좌장
09:00-10:00 Young Investigator Session 조재호 (전남대)
최진욱 (GIST)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Special Session: Antibody Society Korea 김대희 (강원대)
10:20-10:45 Foundational Advances in ADC: The Evolution of Linkers and ADC Integration 문성주 (인투셀)
10:45-11:10 A Synergistic Approach through the Integration of Targeted Therapies with CAR-T Treatment 이용구 (한양대)
11:10-11:35 Single Domain Antibodies and their Potential for Therapeutic Applications 나정현 (성신여대)
11:35-12:00 Computational design of antibodies 최윤주 (전남대)
12:00-13:00 Awards & Closing Ceremony (Room A)